Hearts With Integrity Recognized as 2012 HHCAHPS Honors™ Recipient
Hartford City – November 5, 2012, Hearts With Integrity, home health agency has been named a 2012 HHCAHPS Honors recipient, a prestigious award recognizing home health agencies that provide the best patient experience.
Established by Deyta, this annual honor acknowledges the top 20 percent of agencies that continuously provide the highest level of satisfaction through their care as measured from the patient’s point of view. The HHCAHPS Honors identifies the highest performing agencies ranked by analyzing satisfaction measures covering both performance and improvement of care over a twelve-month period.
“The HHCAHPS Honors defines a new standard of excellence in the patient experience for home health agencies,” said Bill Bassett, Deyta’s Vice President of Home Health. “Identifying the top-performers in the home health industry is our way of recognizing HHAs that are dedicated to providing high quality of care in a patient-centric approach. The resulting patient experience is a key driver of ongoing patient and agency success.”
The HHCAHPS Honors rankings were compiled from the HHCAHPS survey results of over 1,800 home health agencies from April 2011 to March 2012. Two domains of performance were used in the calculations covering the nineteen questions that comprise the five publically reported measures on Home Health Compare.
Carol Robles, Administrator, Rosann Miller, D.O.N., and Chris Hawes, A.D.O.N. of Hearts With Integrity, credits the hard work and dedication of all our employees. "Hearts With Integrity is more than a Home Health Agency with Christian values. Our Integrity comes from the fact that we are members of the family of God with hearts dedicated and surrendered to the service of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,” said Carol Robles, Administrator.
Serving Blackford, Jay, Wells, Grant, and Delaware Counties
Hearts With Integrity does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (including gender identity-Hearts With Integrity will treat all individuals consistent with their gender identity), disability, or age (and all other classes protected by Federal, State, County, or City law, regulation, ordnance, or code), in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. We will provide language assistance services to individuals with limited English proficiency by means of translators or interpreters and ensure effective communication for individuals with disabilities free of charge. For further information about this policy, contact: alana@hwi.comcastbiz.net